Steel Plates Plates are made of mild steel with welded designs on them. These are shown almost clean enough to press....
Tortilla Presses Robust Heirloom Tools for Your Kitchen There is nothing like fresh corn tortillas to put that home-cooked feeling into your meals! Simple to make, tortillas are the ultimate wrapper. A little masa flour, a pinch of salt and a splash of water mixed...
Photos Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris suscipit venenatis suscipit. Maecenas ut posuere ligula. Proin eleifend id lacus et ullamcorper. Integer dictum a elit id gravida. Curabitur eu scelerisque ligula, a lobortis mi. Artwork by Jack...
Paintings From metallic inks and impasto acrylics to rattle can spray paint… Mandalas and skulls. Mixed media mythology. ...
Masks Masks and More Masks Maskmaking is one of my favorite modes of expression. i love to shape simple materials into almost-living beings. More than something to hide behind or pretend you are transformed into, these bring into focus aspects of being from a realm...